Membership Information - Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. - http://www.LegalShieldAssociate.com/info/shreffler
Pre-Paid Legal offers legal service plans that provide access to justice for middle income individuals and families. Our plans are designed with the cost-conscious consumer in mind. For just pennies a day, you can protect you and your family's legal rights.
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Most normal people can not even get a quarter
of the way through the following list with out finding several ways they
would have, at no additional cost, used Pre-Paid Legal Services within the
last year. Remember, over half of the households in North America have
an ongoing legal situation right now and over 70% do not even have a current
Speaking of wills, John Denver and Sonny Bono
both died recently without a will. All Pre-paid Legal Services members
get their wills custom drafted by a top quality estate attorney, at no extra
charge, a $400-600 value (not some fill-in-the-blank generic form that
isn't worth the paper it's written on if contested) and it is updated every
year all as part of their membership.
Most young people are under the misconception
that only wealthy or elderly people need a will. We hear many stories
of where young single parents or where both parents died on September
11, making their children instant orphans. 7 of 10 of them had no will so
their children were put into the "system" and at the mercy of the
government, rather than cared for by friends or family, as a will would have
It's not a question of IF you will need the
services of an attorney, rather it is just a matter of WHEN. You don't have
to be in trouble with the law to need the services of an attorney. Bad
things happen to good people and in everyday life we run across situations
that sound legal advice can help us make better choices and our life easier.
It just makes sense.
Dora and I personally used our family
membership when we flew home from the PPL Convention in Oklahoma City.
Our scheduled flight was canceled due to mechanical failure on the American
Airlines jet we were booked. I called the toll-free number, talked to
my lawyer, and as a result, flew home 3 hours later, seated in First Class,
and received a full refund for the round trip airfare! We talked
to other passengers that were going to have to wait more than 12 hours
just to get a flight out, in coach, and guess what....no compensation
for their trouble! Best of all, we signed up 2 new Pre-paid Legal
Members right there in the Airport who overheard my telephone conversation
with my attorney and were impressed so much with the result.
If you wish to telephone me, I will be more
than happy to supply any further information you desire or answer questions
you may have. I can be reached at 217-762-4846.
Thank you.
Steve Shreffler
Steve Shreffler
Independent Associate
Telephone 217-762-4846
www.LegalShieldAssociate.com/hub/shreffler (Main Homepage)
www.LegalShieldAssociate.com/idt/shreffler (Identity Theft
www.SS427.com (My Personal Website)
101 Reasons Why You Need
Legal Protection
1. Your car insurance is canceled when your teenage son is
involved in an accident.
2. A neighbor's child is injured playing in your yard.
3. Your dog bites an elderly passerby.
4. The auto repair shop threatens small claims court for money you do not
5. The IRS selects you for an audit.
6. A tenant falls down stairs and sues you for negligence.
7. Your child throws a baseball through a neighbor's car window.
8. A merchant refuses to honor a guarantee.
9. You have an accident driving your friend's boat.
10. Your deceased spouse did not have an up-to-date will.
11. A minor is caught breaking into your home.
12. Your driver's license is suspended.
13. Your landlord raises your rent in violation of a verbal agreement.
14. Your teenager is accused of shoplifting.
15. You decide to change your name.
16. You are cited with DWI/DUI charges while taking medication.
17. Creditors threaten to take action against you for your ex-spouse's debts.
18. A neighbor reports you for child abuse.
19. You decide to adopt.
20. A friend is injured on your property and sues you.
21. Family members challenge your parents' will.
22. You are buying a new home.
23. A stranger calls and demands money or damaging information will be
24. Your car is damaged by a hit-and-run driver.
25. You accidentally back over a neighbor's garbage can that was not in its
proper place.
26. A hairdresser damages your hair with harsh chemicals.
27. Your child wrecks the car, and a friend is injured.
28. You are subpoenaed.
29. You are called to jury duty.
30. Your long drive off the tee injures another player.
31. You need a lease agreement reviewed.
32. Your son is injured in a football game.
33. A neighbor trips over a rake in your yard and breaks a leg.
34. A jeweler sells you faulty merchandise.
35. A car dealership gains illegal access to your credit history.
36. You are hit by a bottle at a baseball game.
37. Your parents die and leave you executor of their estate.
38. Your dog is poisoned.
39. You are injured when you slip on a wet floor in a public building.
40. Your dogs trample a neighbor's garden.
41. Your neighbor's dog barks for hours every night.
42. Your teenager gets a speeding ticket.
43. Your landlord enters your apartment without permission.
44. You need an attorney's advice on any matter.
45. A neighbor's dog attacks and injures your pet.
46. Your landlord refuses to refund your cleaning deposit.
47. You lose an expensive watch in a hotel and the manager claims no
48. Your boat is damaged while in storage.
49. A speeding car nicks your bumper while you are parked in the street.
50. You need a letter written on your behalf by an attorney.
51. You need a phone call on your behalf by an attorney.
52. Your spouse claims a right to your earnings.
53. A record club sends you merchandise after you canceled your membership.
54. You are refused service at a restaurant.
55. A property manager refuses to rent to you.
56. You are denied credit for no apparent reason.
57. You are fired without just cause.
58. You receive a ticket for speeding.
59. You do not have a will or your needs to be updated.
60. You do not understand the difference between a trust and a will.
61. You made a sizable gift to charity.
62. Angry words result in a slander suit.
63. You need a patent for an invention.
64. You need a copyright for your manuscript.
65. You are wrongly accused of committing a crime.
66. Your right to privacy has been invaded.
67. Your car is vandalized in a parking lot.
68. A postal carrier slips on your uncovered walk and breaks his/her leg.
69. Your daughter is dating someone you don't approve of, and you want to know how much authority you have under the law.
70. You are stopped for speeding, and a friend righting in your car is in
possession of marijuana.
71. Your teenager backs over a friend's mailbox.
72. A store will not sell you an article because it has the wrong price tag
73. You are cheated by an e-commerce Web site.
74. A salesman charges more than a given estimate.
75. A creditor tries to put you in jail for owing money.
76. A year-old accident results in a personal injury.
77. You car is repossessed unjustly.
78. You are scheduled to appear in small claims court.
79. Your new house has bad plumbing and a leaky roof.
80. Your neighbors ruin the neighborhood with loud parties and failing to mow
their lawn.
81. You are about to join a health club.
82. You are selling your home.
83. You have a minor fender bender while driving a friend's car.
84. You have liability questions in launching a new business.
85. Your neighbor's dog bites your child.
86. You have a property line dispute over a newly installed fence.
87. You're an eyewitness to a robbery and are asked to testify in trial.
88. You need a premarital agreement.
89. You are buying or selling a car.
90. You have an altercation in a nightclub and threatening remarks are made.
91. Your bank sends a foreclosure notice after one house payment is late.
92. A retail store won't accept the return of defective merchandise.
93. A pool repairman won't stand behind his work.
94. A trespasser is caught poaching on your land.
95. You are leasing land.
96. Contractors leave a home improvement project unfinished
97. A bank unjustly turns you in to a credit bureau.
98. You need advice concerning a divorce.
99. You need advice concerning grounds for adultery.
100. Your neighbor's tree limbs overhang your yard and create a hazard.
101. Your spouse uses force against you.
-From The Pre-Paid Legal Story, by Harland C. Stonecipher

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